Expresión idiomática con "estar"

Spanish Idioms with "estar"

Many Spanish expressions use the verb estar in an idiomatic way, meaning that they cannot be translated literally.

Estoy a punto de salir.
I am about to go out.

Ese color está de moda ahora.
That colour is fashionable now.

Fernando siempre está en las nubes.
Fernando is always daydreaming.

Pedro, ¡estás como una cabra!
Pedro. you are crazy!

¡Uy! Mi jefe está que trina.
Uff! My boss is on edge.

Ella estaba de vacaciones con su novio.
She was on holiday with her boyfriend.

Estuvo enamorado de Gabriela durante muchos años.
He was in love with Gabriela for many years.

¿De verdad estás por ese chico? Pues es feísimo.
Do you really like that boy/find that boy attractive? He is very ugly.

The verb estar can be conjugated in any tense and can be followed by adjectives, prepositions (a, de, en, por, para etc.) and connectives like como, que  etc. depending on the expression.


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