Spanish News Sources

Spanish news

Learning a language is more than just memorizing grammar and vocabulary; it’s also about culture, and an excellent way to learn about another culture is by keeping up with current events. Here are some Spanish news sources to help you get informed.

Spanish newspapers and magazines

  • BBC Mundo – Spanish version of the UK’s famous news service
  • El País – perhaps the best-known Spanish newspaper
  • Euronews – news from different viewpoints, in Spanish
  • Marca – all about sports

Spanish podcasts

News in Slow Spanish offers articles read slowly for learners in two varieties of Spanish:

Spanish radio

Spanish TV

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Author info

Laura K Lawless

Laura is a French expert and Kwiziq's Head of Quality Control. Online educator since '99, Laura is passionate about language, travel, and cooking. She's American by birth and a permanent ex-pat by choice - freelancing made it possible for her to travel extensively and live in several countries before settling permanently in Guadeloupe. Laura is the author of Lawless French, Lawless Spanish, and other websites and books on French, Spanish, Italian, English, and vegetarianism. She spends most of her spare time reading, playing with food, and enjoying water sports.