Spanish language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,566 questions • 8,896 answers • 861,281 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert Spanish teachers
5,566 questions • 8,896 answers • 861,281 learners
Why can't we use 'ricas' in place of 'deliciosas'?
Why can't we use 'hecho en casa' for homemade instead of casero/a?
Why do we use 'mucha fruta' and not 'mochas frutas' for a lot of fruits?
When do you use qué and when Cuál?
As per what I understood qué translates to what whereas Cuál translates to what or which.
Then , in the starting line, why can't it be Cuál... as in "Which (food) do you like...?"
When do you and when you don't use el/la/los/las?
I'm totally confused by this and always end up making the wrong choice.
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What is the correct position of adverb in a sentence, before or after verb?
Mostly, I've seen it being placed before the verb but here hay comes before también. I know the reverse is correct, but my question is hay an exception to such cases where adverb may appear before verb?
When do you use cada & when todo? I know they're interchangeable, but is that the case always?
Why do we need a comma after a mí? Wherever I have seen, it appears without any comma.
Why is 'peli' not accepted in place of películas?
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