Spanish superlatives -ísimo with adjectives ending in -co, -go, -ble,-z, -or and -n

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Learn how to form the Spanish superlative with -ísimo

When we want to say "extremely [adjective/adverb]" in Spanish, we sometimes use the endings -ísimo-ísima-ísimos-ísimas, as an alternative to muy, super, realmente; for example: muy caro, super caro, realmente caro, carísimo.

For superlatives that are regular or semi-regular see Spanish superlatives -ísimo with adjectives ending in a single vowel, -io, -l and -ar.

In this lesson we are going to explain some irregularities to do with consonant changes with some specific adjectives: ending in -co, -go, -ble, -z , -or and -n.


Spanish superlative of adjectives that end in -co

Aquel hombre posee un patrimonio riquísimo.That man (over there) possesses a very rich heritage.

In the example above, the adjective rico ends in -co, and this ending is replaced by -qu before it takes the ending -ísimo.


Spanish superlative of ajectives that end in -go

Mi abuela tenía una melena larguísima cuando era joven.My grandmother had really long hair when she was young.

In the example above, the adjective largo ends in -go, and this ending is replaced by -gu before it takes the ending -ísima.


Spanish superlative of adjectives that end in -ble

Tienen que ser amabilísimos con ella si quieren que les perdone.They have to be really kind to her if they want to be forgiven.

In this case, the adjective amable ends in -ble, and this ending is replaced by -bil before it takes the ending -ísimos.


Spanish superlative of adjectives that end in -z

Cuando nos casemos, seremos felicísimas las dos.When we get married, we will both be very happy.

In this case, the adjective feliz ends in -z, and this ending is replaced by -c before it takes the ending -ísimas.

The consonant changes apply to all forms of the superlative -ísimo, -ísima, -ísimos, -ísimas

Spanish superlative of adjectives that end in -or and -n

Los chicos de mi empresa son trabajadorcísimos y también muy responsables.The guys at my company are very hard-working and very responsible.

See how the adjective trabajador in the superlative form adds a -c to the suffix: -císimos

Las hijas de Carmen son jovencísimas. Tienen 8 y 6 años.Carmen's daughters are really young. They're 8 and 6 years old.

See how the adjective joven in the superlative form adds a -c to the suffix: -císimas

See also Superlativo  How to say the most / the least + adjective in Spanish (superlatives) and Spanish superlatives -ísimo with adjectives ending in a single vowel, -io, -l and -ar

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Examples and resources

Las hijas de Carmen son jovencísimas. Tienen 8 y 6 años.Carmen's daughters are really young. They're 8 and 6 years old.
Aquel hombre posee un patrimonio riquísimo.That man (over there) possesses a very rich heritage.
Tienen que ser amabilísimos con ella si quieren que les perdone.They have to be really kind to her if they want to be forgiven.
Cuando nos casemos, seremos felicísimas las dos.When we get married, we will both be very happy.
Mi abuela tenía una melena larguísima cuando era joven.My grandmother had really long hair when she was young.
Los chicos de mi empresa son trabajadorcísimos y también muy responsables.The guys at my company are very hard-working and very responsible.
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