Forming questions with qué in Spanish = what (Spain)

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Note that this is a Europe focused lesson. Your active focus is Latin America.

Questions with "qué" in Spanish

Here are three ways to ask the question what? in Spanish using ¿qué?

1.     Qué [verbo] = what [verb]

¿Qué haces esta tarde?What are you doing this afternoon? [you = tú]

¿Qué desean de postre?What would you like for dessert? [you = ustedes]

Note that when you use qué [verb] it means what 

2.     Qué [ser] = what [to be]

¿Qué es la paella?What is paella?

¿Qué son los Sanfermines?What are Sanfermines?

Note that when you use qué [ser] you are asking for a meaning or definitionwhat is it?

3.     Qué [nombre] what/which [noun]

¿Qué música te gusta más?What/which music do you like the most? [you = tú]

¿Qué tapas comes?What tapas do you eat? [you = tú]

Note that you use qué to say what/which when it is followed by a noun.

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Examples and resources

¿Qué es la paella?What is paella?
¿Qué desean de postre?What would you like for dessert? [you = ustedes]
¿Qué tapas comes?What tapas do you eat? [you = tú]
¿Qué música te gusta más?What/which music do you like the most? [you = tú]
¿Qué haces esta tarde?What are you doing this afternoon? [you = tú]
¿Qué son los Sanfermines?What are Sanfermines?
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