Using "ya" with the Spanish Future to mean soon/at some point in the future

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Spanish "Ya" with El Futuro Simple

The adverb ya can be used with El Futuro Simple to express that an action will happen "at some point in the future" (unknown moment). In English there is no translation for this adverb when used with this meaning. Here are some examples:

If someone asks: 

¿Cuándo vas a venirte a vivir conmigo?

When will you come and live with me?

A hesitant person could answer:

Ya veremos.We'll see.

If someone doesn't want to keep on giving details about something at a precise moment, they could say:

Ya hablaremos.We'll talk (at some point).

If someone is telling you they are going to an interview soon, you can say to that person:

Ya me contarás cómo te fue en la entrevista.Keep me posted (tell me at some point) about how your interview went.

In English there isn't a specific translation for this use of "ya" but it implies the wish for something to happen at some point in the future, whenever that might be.

Here are some more examples:

Ya lo solucionaremos, no te preocupes.We'll get it sorted (soon/at some point), don't worry.

Bueno, tranquilo, ya lo hablaremos con tranquilidad. Este no es el momento adecuado.Well, don't worry, we'll talk it through with calm. This is not the best moment.

Ya nos informará la directora de lo que está pasando.The manager will inform us (at some point) about what's happening.

Bear in mind that sometimes, with the same effect, El Presente is used too:

  • Ya vemos
  • Ya hablamos
  • Ya me cuentas

El Presente can also convey a future action: Using the present tense in Spanish in order to refer to a future action (only future time indications)

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Ya hablaremos.We'll talk (at some point).
Ya me contarás cómo te fue en la entrevista.Keep me posted (tell me at some point) about how your interview went.
Ya lo solucionaremos, no te preocupes.We'll get it sorted (soon/at some point), don't worry.
Bueno, tranquilo, ya lo hablaremos con tranquilidad. Este no es el momento adecuado.Well, don't worry, we'll talk it through with calm. This is not the best moment.
Ya nos informará la directora de lo que está pasando.The manager will inform us (at some point) about what's happening.
Ya veremos.We'll see.