Using the Spanish near future (not the present progressive) for future arrangements


Using the near future tense in Spanish for arranged future actions

In Spanish, we use El Futuro Próximo, e.g. "voy a comprar, vas a comprar, va a comprar, etc" when we are talking about things that we've arranged for the future.

Have a look at the following examples:

Voy a comprarme una casa en las afueras de Madrid.I am buying a house on the outskirts of Madrid.

Ella va a apuntarse al curso de yoga de los martes.She is signing up for the yoga classes on Tuesdays.

Los estudiantes van a sorprender a la maestra con un ramo de flores.The students are surprising the teacher with a bunch of flowers.

Notice how in Spanish, El Futuro Próximo is used but in English El Presente Progresivo is used instead.

Remember: to express what you are doing in the future as an already decided and arranged for action in the future, use El Futuro Próximo, not El Presente Progresivo

For example:

I've decided to go to Barcelona this coming Saturday:

"Voy a ir a Barcelona este sábado." (correct)

"Estoy yendo a Barcelona este sábado." (incorrect)

(I am going to Barcelona this Saturday.)

See also a more basic lesson on El Presente Progresivo and El Futuro Próximo:

Using the Spanish present progressive/continuous instead of the present (El Presente Progresivo vs El Presente)

Conjugate in the near future in Spanish with ir a + infinitive (El Futuro próximo)

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Examples and resources

Ella va a apuntarse al curso de yoga de los martes.She is signing up for the yoga classes on Tuesdays.
Los estudiantes van a sorprender a la maestra con un ramo de flores.The students are surprising the teacher with a bunch of flowers.
Voy a comprarme una casa en las afueras de Madrid.I am buying a house on the outskirts of Madrid.
Using the Spanish near future (not the present progressive) for future arrangements
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