Using algo to say something or anything in Spanish

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We use the indefinite pronoun algo to say something or anything in affirmative and interrogative statements in Spanish.

Read and listen to these examples:

Tengo algo que contarte.I have something to tell you.

Eva y Sandra oyeron algo anoche en el jardín.Eva and Sandra heard something in the garden last night.

In the affirmative statements above, algo means something.

¿Quieres algo para comer?Do you want anything to eat?

¿Necesitaba algo para escribir?Did you need anything to write with?

Notice how in interrogative phrases, the indefinite pronoun can be translated as anything.

Don't confuse the indefinite pronoun algo with the indefinite adjective algún. You can never use algo with a noun!

Prefiero algo libro de aventuras.
Prefiero algún libro de aventuras.

I prefer some adventure book.

See also:

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Tengo algo que contarte.I have something to tell you.
¿Quieres algo para comer?Do you want anything to eat?
Eva y Sandra oyeron algo anoche en el jardín.Eva and Sandra heard something in the garden last night.
¿Necesitaba algo para escribir?Did you need anything to write with?
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