Conjugate decir and its derivatives in the present tense in Spanish: predecir, bendecir, maldecir (El Presente)

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The Spanish verb Decir (to say/tell) is a semi-regular stem-changing verb in El Presente. It has regular endings but the stem changes in a number of forms:

Conjugate "decir" in El Presente in Spanish






nosotros / nosotras 


vosotros / vosotras 




Notice how the -e from most forms (except from the nosotros and vosotros form) changes to -i.

The yo form changes the -c from the stem to -g.

Here are some examples to look at and listen to:

Yo digo lo que pienso.I say what I think.

predices el futuro.You predict the future.

Él bendice la mesa antes de cenar todos los días.He says grace before dinner every day.

Nosotros maldecimos a nuestros enemigos.We curse our enemies.

Vosotros decís siempre la verdad.You always tell the truth.

Ellos dicen que no vienen a la reunión.They say they are not coming to the meeting.

Ustedes nunca dicen no.You never say no.

Verbs that follow this pattern are:
  • decir (to say/tell)
  • predecir (to predict)
  • bendecir (to bless)
  • maldecir (to curse)

For more verbs that follow a similar pattern, see: 
Verbos yo-go (presente)

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Examples and resources

predices el futuro.You predict the future.
Nosotros maldecimos a nuestros enemigos.We curse our enemies.
Yo digo lo que pienso.I say what I think.
Ellos dicen que no vienen a la reunión.They say they are not coming to the meeting.
Vosotros decís siempre la verdad.You always tell the truth.
Él bendice la mesa antes de cenar todos los días.He says grace before dinner every day.
Ustedes nunca dicen no.You never say no.
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