Using tan ... como = as ... as (comparatives with adjectives and adverbs)

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When we want to express that something has the same qualities as another thing, for example Paul is as tall as John, in Spanish we use tan ... como.

Use tan ... como with adjectives/adverbs


El libro es tan bueno como la serie.The book is as good as the series.

Las mariposas son tan bonitas como las libélulas.Butterflies are as pretty as dragonflies.

La paella es tan sabrosa como la fabada.The paella is as tasty as the fabada [bean and pork stew].

El esmoquin es tan elegante como el frac.The tuxedo is as elegant as the morning suit.

Note: as always, adjectives need to agree in number and gender with the noun they describe.


Miguel come tan lentamente como Laura.Miguel eats as slowly as Laura.

Mi coche corre tan rápidamente como el tuyo.My car runs as quickly as yours.

Juan vive tan felizmente como María.Juan lives as happily as María.


See also:

Using tanto como with verbs and nouns to say as much/many ... as (comparatives)

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Examples and resources

Miguel come tan lentamente como Laura.Miguel eats as slowly as Laura.
Mi coche corre tan rápidamente como el tuyo.My car runs as quickly as yours.
El libro es tan bueno como la serie.The book is as good as the series.
Las mariposas son tan bonitas como las libélulas.Butterflies are as pretty as dragonflies.
La paella es tan sabrosa como la fabada.The paella is as tasty as the fabada [bean and pork stew].
El esmoquin es tan elegante como el frac.The tuxedo is as elegant as the morning suit.
Juan vive tan felizmente como María.Juan lives as happily as María.
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