Preposition "entre" in Spanish (between/among) - general use

Learn about preposition "entre" in Spanish

The basic and general use of the Spanish preposition "entre" is to express "between" or "among".  

Entre = Between

El gato está entre el sillón y la mesa.The cat is between the armchair and the table.

El bebé está entre el padre y la madre.The baby is between the father and the mother.

La hamaca está entre dos árboles.The hammock is between two trees.

Entre is used to express where something/someone is located: between two things/people. Depending on the context, entre could also refer to a more abstract meaning of between, let's look at some examples.  

Entre = Among

Veo a Sara entre la gente.I [can] see Sara among the people.

Puedes ver mi casa entre campos de trigo.You can see my house among wheat fields.

Hay una pelota entre las plantas del jardín.There's a ball among the plants in the garden.

Voy a repartir los caramelos entre los niños.I'm going to give the sweets [US: candy] to the children. [lit: distribute the sweets among the children]

No vas a encontrar tu muñeca entre los juguetes.You're not going to find your doll among the toys.

As you can see in the examples above, not only can entre refer to "among" in the physical sense (e.g. to be among people) but also with other more "abstract" meanings of among (e.g. to be popular distribute things among/amongst...)

Entre can also be used with pronouns. For this see Using prepositions entre and según followed by a pronoun 

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Examples and resources

El gato está entre el sillón y la mesa.The cat is between the armchair and the table.
La hamaca está entre dos árboles.The hammock is between two trees.
Puedes ver mi casa entre campos de trigo.You can see my house among wheat fields.
Estoy leyendo unas cartas de amor entre mi madre y mi padre. Son muy románticas.I'm reading some love letters between my mother and father. They are very romantic.
El bebé está entre el padre y la madre.The baby is between the father and the mother.
Veo a Sara entre la gente.I [can] see Sara among the people.
Voy a repartir los caramelos entre los niños.I'm going to give the sweets [US: candy] to the children. [lit: distribute the sweets among the children]
Hay una pelota entre las plantas del jardín.There's a ball among the plants in the garden.
No vas a encontrar tu muñeca entre los juguetes.You're not going to find your doll among the toys.
Preposition "entre" in Spanish (between/among) - general use
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