Si [if] followed by present indicative + main clause (present tense/future tense)

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Learn how to use the conditional if + present tense, future/present tense in Spanish

To express the possibility of something happening in the future depending on a condition that has a high probability of being met, we use these structures with the conjunction si (if):

Si (if) +present tense, ... present tense

Si (if) +present tense, ... simple future tense

Using the present or future tense in the main clause does not change the meaning of the sentence.

Have a look and listen to these examples:

Si me concentro, termino el trabajo pronto.If I concentrate, I (will) finish the job soon.

Si me concentro, terminaré el trabajo pronto.If I concentrate, I will finish the job soon.

Si Amalia va al mercado, compra pescado fresco.If Amalia goes to the market, she will buy fresh fish.

Si Amalia va al mercado, comprará pescado fresco.If Amalia goes to the market, she will buy fresh fish.

Also bear in mind that the order can also be altered: the main clause can come before the condition clause without changing the meaning:

Yo hablaré con tu profesor si tenemos dudas.I will speak to your teacher if we have any doubts.

¿Me das tu muñeca si te cansas de ella?Will you give me your dolly if you get bored of her?

Important note:

"Si" is never followed by El Presente de Subjuntivo in this hypothetical context. This would be incorrect:

Si me concentre, terminaré el trabajo pronto.

If I concentrate, I will finish the job soon.


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Examples and resources

Si me concentro, terminaré el trabajo pronto.If I concentrate, I will finish the job soon.
Si Amalia va al mercado, compra pescado fresco.If Amalia goes to the market, she will buy fresh fish.
¿Me das tu muñeca si te cansas de ella?Will you give me your dolly if you get bored of her?
Yo hablaré con tu profesor si tenemos dudas.I will speak to your teacher if we have any doubts.
Si Amalia va al mercado, comprará pescado fresco.If Amalia goes to the market, she will buy fresh fish.
Si me concentro, termino el trabajo pronto.If I concentrate, I (will) finish the job soon.