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El Pretérito Perfecto is used to express something has happened or happened. Lots of verbs are regular in the present perfect tense in Spanish as they have a regular past participle.
Learn how to conjugate regular -er and -ir verbs in El Pretérito Perfecto in Spanish
You can see it is simply haber conjugated in El Presente plus the Participio (ending in -ido).
Here are some examples to listen to:
Yo he comido toda la paella.I have eaten all the paella.
Tú has ofrecido unos cócteles a los invitados.You have offered some cocktails to your guests.
Él ha insistido en venir aquí.He has insisted on coming here.
Ella ha partido la pizza en cinco trozos.She has cut the pizza into five pieces.
Usted ha acogido a los refugiados.You have welcomed the refugees.
Nosotros hemos aparecido en la película de Antonio Banderas.We appeared in Antonio Banderas's film.
Nosotras hemos cumplido nuestra promesa.We have kept our promise.
Vosotros habéis barrido la cocina.You have swept the kitchen.
Vosotras habéis dormido todo el día.You have slept all day long.
Ellos han comprendido la idea de la lección.They have understood the idea of the lesson.
Ellas han salido del cine.They have left the cinema.
Ustedes han cogido un taxi.You have taken a taxi.
Important note: accent on some participles
Bear in mind that, if the stem of the verbs ends in -a, -e, or -o, the past participle form takes an accent on the -i- of the ending in ''-ído".
For example:
traer (to bring)
He traído un postre para luego.I have brought a dessert for later.
leer (to read)
Hemos leído cuatro páginas.We have read 4 pages.
oír (to hear)
¿Has oído ese ruido?Did you hear that noise? [lit: have you heard]
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