Forming the singular masculine and feminine of regular adjectives in Spanish

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Regular adjectives in Spanish

Regular adjectives in Spanish are those that follow this rule to form their singular:

ending -o for masculine 
ending -a for feminine
Have a look and listen to these examples:

El hombre alto.The tall man.

La mujer alta.The tall lady.

Notice how the endings are different on each phrase, as the first one is refering to a man (hombre) and the second one is refering to a woman (mujer).

Here are more examples:

El gato pequeño es bonito.The little cat is cute.

Tengo una amiga simpática.I have a friendly friend.

Este cuadro es precioso.This picture is beautiful.

La ciudad es moderna.The city is modern.

See also Forming regular plural masculine and feminine adjectives in Spanish

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Examples and resources

Tengo una amiga simpática.I have a friendly friend.
La mujer alta.The tall lady.
El hombre alto.The tall man.
La ciudad es moderna.The city is modern.
El gato pequeño es bonito.The little cat is cute.
Este cuadro es precioso.This picture is beautiful.
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