What a deal!

"¡Qué oferta!"
Spanish A2 writing exercise

This Black Friday, Pedro scored the perfect deal on a new computer!

Pay attention to the hints!

Some vocabulary you may want to look up before or during this exercise: "to buy", "to want", "to shop" and "purchase".

I’ll give you some sentences to translate into Spanish

  • I’ll show you where you make mistakes
  • I’ll keep track of what you need to practise
  • Change my choices if you want
Start the exercise
How the test works

Here's a preview of the text for the writing challenge, when you're ready click the start button above:

This Black Friday I found an amazing deal. I wanted to buy a new computer for work. Normally, computers are very expensive. I saw a store with a very good deal. The computer that I wanted had a 40% discount. Before, it cost 800 euros, but now it's only 480 euros. I decided to buy it quickly because the deal was for a limited time. Many people were shopping in the store too. I felt very happy with my purchase.

Clever stuff happening!