Quantitative adjective in Spanish: cada + noun for each (Adjetivo cuantitativo)

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Spanish quantitative adjective: cada

In Spanish to express "each" followed by a noun we use the invariable adjective "cada".


Cada +[noun]

Cada alumno tiene un diccionario.Each student has a dictionary.

Cada familia debe donar un euro.Each family must donate one euro.

Cada niño puede comer un caramelo.Each child can eat a sweetie.

Voy a regalar un libro a cada estudiante.I am going to give a book to each student.

Notice that cada is always followed by a singular noun.

 It is incorrect to say:

Cada personas es diferente. 
Cadas persona es diferente.
Cadas personas son diferentes.
Each person is different.

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Cada familia debe donar un euro.Each family must donate one euro.
Cada niño puede comer un caramelo.Each child can eat a sweetie.
Voy a regalar un libro a cada estudiante.I am going to give a book to each student.
Cada alumno tiene un diccionario.Each student has a dictionary.
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