Expressing "they are" in spanish.

Andrew C.A2Kwiziq community member

Expressing "they are" in spanish.


I hope everything is well at Kwiziq!

How would I express something like:

"They are my dad's"

Would it be:

"Son de mi padre"

Ser is a verb and I'm not sure if it can be used with the preposition "de" like this or if this is a common way to express "they are" in Spanish. Could you use the pronouns: este, esta, estos, estas, ese, esos, esa, esas?

Thank you,


Asked 3 years ago
John O.C1 Kwiziq Q&A super contributor Correct answer

Hola Andrew,

Yes the verb Ser is the verb to use. Here is a good lesson on this topic. Sometimes when I paste a link it doesn't work; in which case if you search on "ownership" at the top of the page it will take you to the lesson.

Saludos. John

Ser vs Estar in Spanish: Using ser de (not estar) to indicate ownership%252Fsearch%253Fs%253Downership

InmaKwiziq Head of Spanish, Native Spanish Teacher

Hola Andrew

I hope you can open the link that John sent. It is a lesson explaining that specific use of ser. As for the use of the demonstratives, yes, you can say:

Este es de Marta y estos son de Luisa.

This one is Marta's and these ones are Luisa's. 

You can also use the other demonstratives: ese, eso, esa... and aquel, aquella, aquellos... the same way.



Andrew C. asked:

Expressing "they are" in spanish.


I hope everything is well at Kwiziq!

How would I express something like:

"They are my dad's"

Would it be:

"Son de mi padre"

Ser is a verb and I'm not sure if it can be used with the preposition "de" like this or if this is a common way to express "they are" in Spanish. Could you use the pronouns: este, esta, estos, estas, ese, esos, esa, esas?

Thank you,


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