How to Create a Spanish Practice Routine

Strategies That Will Stick

How many times have you made a Spanish practice routine with the best of intentions, but it just didn't stick?

Don't worry—we know the feeling. Language learning is a lengthy process. Your routine will have to evolve over time. But how can you get started?

The key is knowing two main things:

  1. Why you need a routine
  2. How to balance your goals with your time

In this article, we'll cover both of these points, as well as which techniques and resources to include. Here's how to create the perfect Spanish-learning routine for you!

Table of Contents

Why Create a Spanish Practice Routine?

Why create a Spanish-learning routine in the first place? Can't you just learn as and when it suits you?

While that sounds nice in theory, "as and when it suits," it's unlikely to get you anywhere. Unless you plan out time for studying Spanish, it won't happen. Even worse, you'll probably feel guilty about your lack of progress, which isn't a good mindset for getting motivated.

With a realistic routine, you'll make measurable progress without stressing every day over if and when you can study. You'll have a plan in place. All you have to do is follow through.

How to Create a Sustainable Spanish Practice Routine

A realistic routine—one you can and will stick to—works with both your schedule and goals.

So first, establish what your goals are. If you want to reach B1 Spanish from zero within a year (which takes roughly 600 hours), that's about 1.5 hours of focused study per day.

If setting aside that much time isn't realistic, then adjust your goals to something more achievable. Once you find a balance between your goals and your time, that's a sustainable routine.

Spanish Practice Routine Ideas

Now that you've decided how much time you can spend on Spanish study, how should you use that time?

Intense Study Methods

The most effective learning technique is focused, deliberate study. This could include:

These intense study methods will be even more effective if you support them with simple, frequent habits that reinforce your knowledge.

Daily Practice Habits

Daily practice habits are simple tasks that help you retain the knowledge from your intense study sessions. They could include:

  • Keeping a journal
  • Listening to Spanish audio in the background
  • Displaying Post-it notes of your newest vocabulary

Make Kwiziq Spanish Part of Your Routine!

However often you can set aside time for intense practice, we're here to help!

Our lessons teach you new concepts, our exercises reinforce your knowledge, and our kwizzes put your skills to the test so you can track your progress.

Wherever your Spanish skills are at the moment—from A1 to C1—we're the best platform for effective study sessions. To get started, all you have to do is create a free Kwiziq Spanish account. Try it now!


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