Using aquel, aquella, aquellos, aquellas for that one (over there), those ones (over there) and that (over there) (demonstrative pronouns)

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Learn how to say that/those over there in Spanish as pronouns

In Spanish, to express that (over there), that one (over there) or those ones (over there) we use the demonstrative pronouns: aquel, aquella, aquellos, aquellas and aquello.

Like all pronouns they do not accompany a noun. The noun they refer to has been mentioned before, either in the same or a previous sentence.

Have a look and listen to these examples:

Me encanta este vestido, pero prefiero aquel.I like this dress, but I prefer that one (over there.)

No te gustó esa falda, sino aquella.You didn't like that skirt, but that one (over there) instead.

Alicia no se acuerda de esos alumnos. Ella se acuerda de aquellos.Alicia doesn't remember those pupils. She remembers those ones (over there.)

Tania y Margarita no tenían estas joyas. Ellas tenían aquellas.Tania and Margarita didn't have these jewels. They had those ones (over there.)

The pronouns agree in gender and number with the noun they are referring to:

  Masculine Feminine

Singular (that one) (over there)



Plural (those ones) (over there)




Referring to an idea

When the pronoun is referring to an idea, then we use the neutral pronoun aquello, and there is only one form. You could translate it as "it" or "that".

Have a look and listen to the following examples:

Aquello no es plato de buen gusto.It's not everyone's cup of tea.

Aquello me tiene un poco preocupado.It's got me a bit worried.

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Examples and resources

Tania y Margarita no tenían estas joyas. Ellas tenían aquellas.Tania and Margarita didn't have these jewels. They had those ones (over there.)
Aquello me tiene un poco preocupado.It's got me a bit worried.
Aquello no es plato de buen gusto.It's not everyone's cup of tea.
Me encanta este vestido, pero prefiero aquel.I like this dress, but I prefer that one (over there.)
No te gustó esa falda, sino aquella.You didn't like that skirt, but that one (over there) instead.
Alicia no se acuerda de esos alumnos. Ella se acuerda de aquellos.Alicia doesn't remember those pupils. She remembers those ones (over there.)
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