Using past participle clauses in Spanish

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Learn how to use Spanish clauses using the Participio

In Spanish we have clauses introduced by a Participio. These are generally time clauses expressing a finished action by saying "once something happens/has happened", "when something happens/has happened" or "something having happened". The action using the past participle is seen as having occured before the action in the main clause. Here are some examples:

Terminada la ceremonia religiosa, nos fuimos todos a la fiesta.[Once] the religious ceremony [was] over, we all went to the party.

Aprobado este último examen, ya estoy libre totalmente hasta septiembre.[Once I've] passed this last exam, then I'll be totally free until September.

Dormidos los niños, nos podremos relajar y cenar tranquilos.Once the children are asleep, we'll be able to relax and have a quiet dinner.

Llegado el momento, nos reunimos para tomar una decisión definitiva.When the time arrived, we gathered to make a final decision.

Servidos los entrantes, empezamos a preparar el segundo plato.When the starters [US: appetizers] are served, we will start preparing the main dish.

Note that the past participle needs agreement in gender and number with the subject in the subordinate clause, e.g. terminada/ceremonia, dormidos/niños, etc


Often you find "Una vez" in front of the past participle as in literally: "Once...":

Una vez recogida la casa, nos vamos al parque con los amigos.Once the house is tidy, [lit: once tidied the house] we'll go to the park with our friends.

Use of the perfect participle 

El gerundio compuesto, known in English as the perfect participle, can also be used the same way but this will place more emphasis on the completion of the action expressed in the subordinate clause:

Habiendo dicho todo eso, se fue y no volvió más.Having said all that, she left and never came back.

Habiendo terminado el trabajo, nos tomamos unas cervezas en el pub.
Having finished the job, we had a few beers in the pub.

Here, the participle is always going to be the masculine singular form.

Sometimes, the subordinate clause introduced by the participle can be interpreted as a "cause", for example:

Superado este primer test, no deberías tener problemas en continuar.As/because you passed this first test, you shouldn't have any problem to carry on.

Habiendo dicho todas esas mentiras, se quedó sin amigos.Having told (because he told) all those lies, he was left with no friends.

Controlado como tú lo tienes, no hay posibilidad de que salga mal.Controlled as you have it (because you have everything under control) there is no possibility of it going wrong.

These subordinate clauses are generally placed in front of the main clause and are separated by a comma.

Note that this use of the participle and perfect participle is more formal than clauses using cuando, después de or una vez que, for example:

Dormidos los niños, nos podremos relajar y cenar tranquilos.

Could also be said in a more relaxed and colloquial way:

  • Cuando se duerman los niños...
  • Una vez que se duerman los niños...
  • Después de que se duerman los niños... 

See also Using the Spanish gerund to say while [doing something]

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Examples and resources

Una vez recogida la casa, nos vamos al parque con los amigos.Once the house is tidy, [lit: once tidied the house] we'll go to the park with our friends.
Aprobado este último examen, ya estoy libre totalmente hasta septiembre.[Once I've] passed this last exam, then I'll be totally free until September.
Superado este primer test, no deberías tener problemas en continuar.As/because you passed this first test, you shouldn't have any problem to carry on.
Terminada la ceremonia religiosa, nos fuimos todos a la fiesta.[Once] the religious ceremony [was] over, we all went to the party.
Servidos los entrantes, empezamos a preparar el segundo plato.When the starters [US: appetizers] are served, we will start preparing the main dish.
Controlado como tú lo tienes, no hay posibilidad de que salga mal.Controlled as you have it (because you have everything under control) there is no possibility of it going wrong.
Dormidos los niños, nos podremos relajar y cenar tranquilos.Once the children are asleep, we'll be able to relax and have a quiet dinner.
Llegado el momento, nos reunimos para tomar una decisión definitiva.When the time arrived, we gathered to make a final decision.
Habiendo dicho todo eso, se fue y no volvió más.Having said all that, she left and never came back.
Habiendo terminado el trabajo, nos tomamos unas cervezas en el pub.
Having finished the job, we had a few beers in the pub.
Habiendo dicho todas esas mentiras, se quedó sin amigos.Having told (because he told) all those lies, he was left with no friends.