Spanish verbs Acordar vs Acordarse (pronominal verbs)


In Spanish, we can use the verb acordar with or without a reflexive pronoun. It has a different meaning depending on how it is used.

Learn how to use the Spanish verb "acordar" in Spanish

Acordarto agree [to do something] / to come to an agreement

When we use the verb acordar without a reflexive pronoun, it expresses an agreement with someone, i.e., to come to a conclusion after some discussion.

Los socios acordaron invertir más en tecnología para la empresa.The associates agreed to invest more in technology for the company.

Ayer acordé con mi jefe que haría algunas horas extra este mes.Yesterday my boss and I agreed that I'd do some extra time this month. [lit: I agreed with my boss...]

It is generally followed by an infinitive, but it could also be used with the preposition "con" if the person the agreement is with is mentioned. 

Note that this use of acordar for agreeing is slightly formal. In a more colloquial way we'd probably use quedar en algo. For example:

Verónica y yo acordamos vernos a las tres y media. (more formal)

Verónica y yo quedamos en vernos a las tres y media. (more colloquial)

(Verónica and I agreed to meet at half past three.)


Learn how to use the Spanish verb "acordarse de algo" in Spanish


Acordarse de [algo]to remember [something]

When acordar is used with a reflexive pronoun, it means "to remember [something].

-Ayer estuve pensando en cómo nos conocimos. -Pues, yo no me acuerdo...-Yesterday, I was thinking about how we met. -Emm, I don't remember...

Anoche no me acordé de decirte que Luisa te llamó dos veces.Last night I forgot to tell you that Luisa called twice. [lit: didn't remember to tell you...]

Por suerte, se acordó de traer los documentos.Luckily, he remembered to bring the documents.

Esta vez me he acordado de nuestro aniversario.This time I remembered our anniversary.

No me acordaba de que hoy tenía una cita médica.I didn't remember that I had a doctor's appointment today.

If what the person remembers is explicit, the preposition "de" is required. Whatever is remembered can be expressed with a noun, an infinitive, or a subordinate clause (after de).

Do not omit "de" in these cases. This would be incorrect:

"Esta vez me he acordado nuestro aniversario."

See also Conjugate recordar, acordar and acordarse (o > ue) stem-changing -ar verbs in the present tense (El Presente)

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Examples and resources

Por suerte, se acordó de traer los documentos.Luckily, he remembered to bring the documents.
Esta vez me he acordado de nuestro aniversario.This time I remembered our anniversary.
Anoche no me acordé de decirte que Luisa te llamó dos veces.Last night I forgot to tell you that Luisa called twice. [lit: didn't remember to tell you...]
-Ayer estuve pensando en cómo nos conocimos. -Pues, yo no me acuerdo...-Yesterday, I was thinking about how we met. -Emm, I don't remember...
No me acordaba de que hoy tenía una cita médica.I didn't remember that I had a doctor's appointment today.
Los socios acordaron invertir más en tecnología para la empresa.The associates agreed to invest more in technology for the company.
Ayer acordé con mi jefe que haría algunas horas extra este mes.Yesterday my boss and I agreed that I'd do some extra time this month. [lit: I agreed with my boss...]
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