Spanish verbs Quedar, Quedarse and Quedarle (Different meanings of verb quedar)

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The Spanish verb "quedar" is very versatile. It can mean different things depending on how it is used. Let's see:

Spanish verb: Quedar


To remain

Tenemos poca fruta. Solo quedan dos plátanos en el frutero.We don't have much fruit. There are only two bananas left in the fruit bowl.

¡Qué emocionante! Queda 1 minuto para el final del partido.How exciting! There is 1 minute left till the end of the match.

Here, quedar refers to anything remaining, being left: things, time...

In this case you only use quedar in the 3rd person singular or plural of any conjugation. (queda/quedan, quedó/quedaron, quedaba/quedaban, etc)


To arrange a date/ to meet

He quedado con mi madre a las 2 para almorzar.I have arranged to meet my mother at 2 to have lunch.

¿Has quedado con alguien esta noche?Have you arranged to meet anybody tonight?

¿Quedamos a las 8 o más tarde?[Shall] we meet at 8 or later?

Notice how in the first two examples quedar means to "arrange to meet", i.e you have already had a conversation with your "date" and have decided to meet at a certain time or place. Quedar in this case involves the whole process of arranging to meet up. You will often find "con" after the verb to say who you are meeting with.

But as you can see in the last example, quedar also has a more straight forward translation simply meaning "to meet". 


With adjective/participle: to emphasise the result of an action rather than the action itself.

La alumna quedó satisfecha con la respuesta de la profesora.The student was/ended up satisfied with the teacher's answer.

Todo ha quedado dicho en la reunión de esta mañana.Everything was said in the meeting this morning.

Seguro que quedarás contenta con tu pelado nuevo.I am sure you will be/end up pleased with your new hair cut.

Here quedar is emphasising the result of the action, as in "to end up". Bear in mind in this context you may also find the use of the reflexive "se" to give extra emphasis. 


Spanish verb: Quedarse


To stay somewhere

Esta noche me quedo en tu casa a dormir.I am spending the night in your house tonight. [Lit: Tonight I am staying at yours to sleep.]

Nos quedamos en un hotel de 3 estrellas.We stayed in a 3 star hotel.

Notice how in both examples you need the reflexive pronoun. It is a common mistake to forget this, e.g "Quedé en un hotel de 3 estrellas"


Followed by an adjective or participle: expressing the result of a change.

Alfredo se quedó calvo a los 35 años.Alfredo went bald at 35.

¡Laura va a quedarse pasmada con la noticia!Laura will be astonished with the news!


Spanish verb: Quedarle (a alguien)


Quedar can be accompanied by indirect object pronouns(me, te, le, nos, os, les)

To fit/suit 

Esa falda te queda muy estrecha.That skirt is very tight for you.

Chicas, os quedan muy bien esos peinados.Girls, those hairstyles suit you.

Estos zapatos me quedan un poco pequeños.These shoes are a bit small for me.

We use quedar with indirect object pronouns to talk about how things/items of clothing fit or suit someone. In this case quedar is conjugated in the 3rd person singular or plural, depending on whether the subject is singular or plural. The pronoun agrees with that "someone". For example, in "Esa falda te queda muy estrecha", "te" refers to "you". In "Chicas, os quedan muy bien esos peinados"os refers to "you" plural informal.

See also Spanish verb "faltar": different meanings and Spanish verb sobrar: different meanings

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Examples and resources

Tenemos poca fruta. Solo quedan dos plátanos en el frutero.We don't have much fruit. There are only two bananas left in the fruit bowl.
Alfredo se quedó calvo a los 35 años.Alfredo went bald at 35.
¡Laura va a quedarse pasmada con la noticia!Laura will be astonished with the news!
¿Quedamos a las 8 o más tarde?[Shall] we meet at 8 or later?
Nos quedamos en un hotel de 3 estrellas.We stayed in a 3 star hotel.
Esa falda te queda muy estrecha.That skirt is very tight for you.
Estos zapatos me quedan un poco pequeños.These shoes are a bit small for me.
¡Qué emocionante! Queda 1 minuto para el final del partido.How exciting! There is 1 minute left till the end of the match.
He quedado con mi madre a las 2 para almorzar.I have arranged to meet my mother at 2 to have lunch.
Chicas, os quedan muy bien esos peinados.Girls, those hairstyles suit you.
¿Has quedado con alguien esta noche?Have you arranged to meet anybody tonight?
La alumna quedó satisfecha con la respuesta de la profesora.The student was/ended up satisfied with the teacher's answer.
Todo ha quedado dicho en la reunión de esta mañana.Everything was said in the meeting this morning.
Seguro que quedarás contenta con tu pelado nuevo.I am sure you will be/end up pleased with your new hair cut.
Esta noche me quedo en tu casa a dormir.I am spending the night in your house tonight. [Lit: Tonight I am staying at yours to sleep.]
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