B1 Idioms

All the lessons from this section

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B1 : Intermediate   Using the pluperfect tense to indicate that a past action happens before another past action (El Pluscuamperfecto)
B1 : Intermediate   Using esperar que + present subjunctive in Spanish to express hope
B1 : Intermediate   Using ojalá + the present subjunctive to express hope (El Presente de Subjuntivo)
B1 : Intermediate   Mientras with the present indicative or the present subjunctive in Spanish
B1 : Intermediate   Difference between Spanish verbs saber and conocer (to know)
B1 : Intermediate   Using the subjunctive or the indicative after tal vez and quizás to express doubt in Spanish
B1 : Intermediate   Ser vs Estar in Spanish: Using ser de (not estar) to indicate ownership
B1 : Intermediate   Ser vs Estar in Spanish: Using estar (not ser) + de for a temporary job
B1 : Intermediate   Ser vs Estar in Spanish: Using estar (not ser) + preposition a with fluctuating quantities and prices
B1 : Intermediate   Using estar hecho de or ser de to indicate what something is made of in Spanish
B1 : Intermediate   Using ir in the imperfect tense in Spanish to express was/were going to [do something]
B1 : Intermediate   Using the Spanish preterite tense combined with cuando + the Spanish imperfect tense
B1 : Intermediate   Using the present tense in Spanish in order to refer to a future action (only future time indications)
B1 : Intermediate   Forming the Spanish passive with se (la pasiva refleja)
B1 : Intermediate   Si [if] followed by present indicative + main clause (present tense/future tense)
B1 : Intermediate   Si [if] followed by present indicative + main clause [command/request/advice]
B1 : Intermediate   Using dejar de + [infinitive] = to stop doing something/to give up something
B1 : Intermediate   Using Hace + length of time + que + present tense in Spanish to say how long one has done something
B1 : Intermediate   Using the gerund in Spanish to say by [doing something]
B1 : Intermediate   Using Estar a punto de + [infinitive] = to be about to do something in Spanish (perífrasis verbal)
B1 : Intermediate   Using acabar/terminar + [infinitive/present participle] = to end up doing something in Spanish (perífrasis verbal)
B1 : Intermediate   Using volver a + [infinitive] to express repetition of an action in Spanish (perífrasis verbal)
B1 : Intermediate   Using poder to say could [do something] for polite requests and suggestions in Spanish (El Condicional Simple)
B1 : Intermediate   Forming the Spanish passive se with modal verbs deber/poder (la pasiva refleja)
B1 : Intermediate   Using the imperfect vs the preterite in Spanish (time markers)
B1 : Intermediate   Spanish Había vs Hubo (Imperfect vs Preterite)
B1 : Intermediate   Empezar/comenzar a = to begin/start doing something (perífrasis verbal)
B1 : Intermediate   Using the Spanish verb "tardar" = to take time
B1 : Intermediate   Using Cuánto + noun in exclamations about quantities in Spanish
B1 : Intermediate   Using gustar in the conditional in Spanish = would like [to do something]
B1 : Intermediate   Use Hace + length of time + que + the preterite tense in Spanish to say how long ago something happened
B1 : Intermediate   Spanish verbs Quedar, Quedarse and Quedarle (Different meanings of verb quedar)
B1 : Intermediate   Using "menos" to say except in Spanish
B1 : Intermediate   Using the Spanish near future (not the present progressive) for future arrangements
B1 : Intermediate   Using llevar + present participle to express duration of an action in Spanish (perífrasis verbal)
B1 : Intermediate   Ser vs Estar in Spanish: Use estar (not ser) to talk about dates, days of the week and seasons (colloquial)
B1 : Intermediate   Using "o sea/es decir" to clarify, explain and express a consequence in Spanish
B1 : Intermediate   Exclamatory sentence in Spanish: qué + noun + más/tan + adjective
B1 : Intermediate   How to say "to be looking forward" in Spanish with tener ganas and estar deseando
B1 : Intermediate   Using terminar de+ [infinitive] = to finish doing something in Spanish (perífrasis verbal)
B1 : Intermediate   Using the conditional in Spanish to express hypothesis/wish/suggestion in the present or future
B1 : Intermediate   How to say I think so/I guess so /I hope so in Spanish
B1 : Intermediate   Spanish verb gustar and similar verbs in past tenses
B1 : Intermediate   How to say to lend/to borrow in Spanish with prestar/pedir prestado
B1 : Intermediate   Different meanings of the Spanish verb contar
B1 : Intermediate   Expressing the beginning and end of a period or space in Spanish
B1 : Intermediate   How to say "on the one hand, on the other hand, in addition" in Spanish (connectives)
B1 : Intermediate   Using the present tense in Spanish for making suggestions
B1 : Intermediate   Using por qué no/y si/ qué tal si for suggestions in Spanish
B1 : Intermediate   Spanish verbs Llevar vs Llevarse (pronominal verbs)
B1 : Intermediate   Spanish verbs Pedir vs Preguntar (to ask)
B1 : Intermediate   Using a/desde/hasta + age in Spanish
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