A1 : Beginner | | Preposition "con" in Spanish (with) - General use | | |
A1 : Beginner | | Preposition "a" in Spanish (to) - general use | | |
A1 : Beginner | | Preposition "en" in Spanish (on/in/inside/at) - general use | | |
A1 : Beginner | | Using preposition de in Spanish to express possession | | |
B1 : Intermediate | | Asking questions about people with preposition + quién in Spanish | | |
A2 : Lower Intermediate | | Expressing duration in Spanish with durante/por/no preposition | | |
B2 : Upper Intermediate | | Using preposition a + infinitive to express a command in Spanish | | |
A1 : Beginner | | Using the preposition "de" in Spanish with nouns for description | | |
A2 : Lower Intermediate | | Using prepositions entre and según followed by a pronoun | | |
C1 : Advanced | | Using preposition "a" to indicate how/in which style something is done | | |
A2 : Lower Intermediate | | Using prepositions a, para, por, de, en, sin, hacia, sobre followed by a pronoun | | |
A2 : Lower Intermediate | | Using preposition con followed by a pronoun to say with me, you, him, her, us, you (plural), them | | |
A2 : Lower Intermediate | | Spanish personal "a" verbs (ver, visitar, buscar, conocer) | | |
A2 : Lower Intermediate | | Using para (not por) for a deadline/time limit | | |
A2 : Lower Intermediate | | Using para (not por) for a destination | | |
A2 : Lower Intermediate | | Using por (not para) to express approximate location | | |
A2 : Lower Intermediate | | Using por (not para) to express the originating cause or reason | | |
A2 : Lower Intermediate | | Using antes de /después de [noun/infinitive] for before/after [something/doing something] | | |
A2 : Lower Intermediate | | Using por (not para) to express "through/along" (a place) | | |
A2 : Lower Intermediate | | Using para (not por) to express opinion | | |
A2 : Lower Intermediate | | Using desde/de/hasta/a for from/to in Spanish | | |
A2 : Lower Intermediate | | Por vs Para in Spanish: Using para (and not por) to say who you work for | | |
B1 : Intermediate | | Por vs Para in Spanish: Using por (not para) to express medium | | |
B1 : Intermediate | | Por vs Para in Spanish: Using por (and not para) to talk about speed | | |
B1 : Intermediate | | Por vs Para in Spanish: Using por (and not para) in exchange for something | | |
A1 : Beginner | | Por vs para in Spanish: Using para (and not por) for purpose, goal or objective | | |
B1 : Intermediate | | Por vs Para in Spanish: Using para (and not por) for precise time location | | |
B1 : Intermediate | | Por vs Para in Spanish: Using por (and not para) to express distribution or sharing | | |
B2 : Upper Intermediate | | Por vs Para in Spanish: Using por (not para) to express "on behalf of" | | |
A1 : Beginner | | Por vs Para in Spanish: Using por (and not para) to express a part of the day | | |
B2 : Upper Intermediate | | Por vs Para in Spanish: Using para (not por) to express unequal relations/surprising facts | | |
A2 : Lower Intermediate | | Using para (not por) to express the recipient of an action | | |
B1 : Intermediate | | Por vs Para in Spanish: Using por (not para) to say "by" [whom/what] | | |
A1 : Beginner | | Al and Del in Spanish | | |
A1 : Beginner | | Using A + la/las + [time] to say at what time something takes place in Spanish | | |