Las Fallas de Valencia

"Las Fallas de Valencia" has been shared to the blog from the Spanish reading exercises section of the learning library where you can find a large selection of interactive texts to help you with your reading skills.

Spanish online reading and listening practice – level B1

This reading and listening exercise is about the Spanish festival Las Fallas de Valencia. This is suitable for level B1 Spanish students.


All Spanish fiestas are known to be noisy affairs. None more so than Las Fallas de Valencia! The fallas themselves are the statues that are filled with fireworks and firecrackers and which are ultimately burned. As well as the expected music and dancing that take place throughout, there are falleros (name given to everyone who participates in las fallas) who dedicate themselves to making noise in the morning to wake you up, there are fireworks at night, and on top of the firecrackers set off by kids in the street there is the massive mascletà: a huge pyrotechnic display that takes place in the afternoon involving massive firecrackers called masclets and noisy rockets and fireworks that also create a visual display of coloured smoke plumes. The main festivities last five days, starting on 15 March and ending on 19 March, Saint Joseph’s day. Watch the video below to see just how much Valencia manages to pack into five days of pretty much non-stop partying!


Here are the vocabulary lists associated with this reader:

Exercise: Las Fallas de Valencia

Watch the video, then read the transcript. You can choose to have no subtitles or to turn on the Spanish subtitles by clicking the cog icon to access the Subtitles/CC option.

Click any phrase for the translation and links to related grammar lessons which you can add to your Kwiziq notebook to practise later.

Click any word in the text to see its translation and related grammar lessons.

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Author info

Shui Ng González

Shui is Kwiziq's Content and Language Manager and Head of Spanish. She is an experienced technical writer, translator and project manager. Shui grew up bilingual English-Spanish in the UK, completing her studies in London, Madrid and Paris where she now lives. She speaks English, Spanish, French and Italian. Her love of languages and technical knowledge make her a perfect fit for Kwiziq.

Comments: 6

este vídeo fue genial. Es una pena que se queme todos estos objetos de arte

Tienes razón, es una pena que los quemen, pero sin "la cremà" no sería Fallas. ¡Es una fiesta estupenda!
¡Gracias por tu comentario Abby! Shui

Gracias por darnos un ejercicio tan útil e interesante.

¡Gracias Paul! Me alegro de saber que te haya gustado. Shui

Buenísimo. Disfruté este artículo y video. Podía revisar mucho vocabulario y gramática. Gracias.

¡Gracias por tu comentario Elizabeth! Me alegro de saber que encima de disfrutarlo lo encontraste útil. Shui