"Football' vocabulary in Spanish
A list of common words to understand a football match in Spanish
| | |
el jugador | | player |
la jugadora | | player (female) |
el gol | | goal |
el saque de esquina | | corner |
el portero | | the goalkeeper |
el equipo | | the team |
empatar | | to draw |
ganar | | to win |
perder | | to lose |
el saque de banda | | throw in |
amonestar | | to book a player |
la tarjeta amarilla | | yellow card |
la tarjeta roja | | red card |
expulsar | | to send off a player |
el tiro libre | | free kick |
defender | | to defend |
atacar | | to attack |
el centrocampista | | midfielder |
el primer tiempo | | the first half |
el segundo tiempo | | the second half |
fuera de juego | | offside |
el disparo | | the shot |
el torneo | | the tournament |
el fútbol | | football, soccer |
el hincha | | fan/supporter |
la hincha | | fan/supporter (female) |
la hinchada | | fans/supporters (collective noun) |
el banco | | bench |
el banquillo | | bench |
el campo | | ground/field |
la cancha | | ground/pitch (used in Latin America for football field) |
la prórroga | | extra time/overtime (sports) |
el árbitro | | referee |
el penalti | | penalty |
el capitán del equipo | | team captain |
el defensa | | defense |
la defensa | | defense (female) |
el delantero | | striker |
la delantera | | striker (female) |
el juez de linea | | linesman |
el futbolista | | footballer |
la futbolista | | footballer (female) |
chutar | | to shoot |
marcar un gol | | to score a goal |
meter un gol | | to score a goal |
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