Inverted verbs like "gustar" in Spanish

A useful list of verbs that operate backwards like "gustar"

Spanish vocabulary

aburrir to bore
apasionar to be passionate about
apetecer to feel like doing something
bastar to be sufficient
caer bien to like [someone]
caer mal to dislike [someone]
chiflar to really like
costar to be difficult
dar asco to disgust
disgustar to disgust
doler to be painful
encantar to love
enganchar to get hooked [by something]
entretener to entertain
faltar to be lacking something
fascinar to be fascinated by, with
importar to be important
interesar to be interested in
molestar to bother
parecer to seem
picar to itch
preocupar to be worried about
quedar to remain
sobrar to be left over
tocar to be someone's turn
volver loco to really really like
Let me take a look at that...