la declaración de la renta | | annual tax return in Spain |
la declaración individual | | individual tax return |
la declaración conjunta | | joint tax return for married couples |
la Agencia Tributaria (AEAT) | | Spanish Tax Agency responsible for tax collection and enforcement |
el IRPF (Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas) | | personal income tax |
la cita previa | | pre-arranged appointment [with the Tax Agency, often necessary for in-person consultations or assistance] |
la casilla | | box/check box, referring to specific sections on the tax form where information is entered |
el importe | | amount, referring to monetary figures entered in various boxes of the form |
el ejercicio fiscal | | fiscal year, typically from January 1st to December 31st in Spain |
el/la contribuyente | | the tax payer |
el/la cónyuge | | spouse |
los rendimientos del trabajo | | employment income |
los rendimientos de capital | | capital gains, including interests from savings, dividends, and rental income |
las ganancias y pérdidas patrimoniales | | changes in net worth not related to employment or capital gains, such as from selling personal assets |
el mínimo personal y familiar | | personal and family allowances that reduce taxable income |
las deducciones generales | | general deductions applicable to various situations |
las deducciones autonómicas | | regional deductions specific to autonomous communities |
la cuota íntegra | | gross tax liability before deductions |
la cuota líquida | | net tax liability after deductions |
los pagos a cuenta | | advance payments, such as withholdings from salaries or payments on account |
las retenciones | | tax withheld at source, particularly from employment income |
el modelo 100 | | form 100 - the official form used for filing personal income tax returns |
el Número de Identificación Fiscal (NIF) | | Tax Identification Number, crucial for all tax-related activities |
el borrador de la declaración | | draft tax return provided by the Tax Agency based on available data |
los datos fiscales | | tax data, information relevant to the taxpayer’s situation |
la campaña de la renta | | the annual period during which taxpayers must file their tax returns, usually from April to June |
a devolver | | refund due to the taxpayer |
a pagar | | tax due to the agency |
la Renta Web | | online platform provided by the Agencia Tributaria for tax return filing |
el certificado digital | | digital certificate for secure identity verification online |
la Cl@ve PIN | | a system for online identity verification using a PIN |
el aplazamiento de pago | | payment deferral options for taxpayers who cannot pay their tax bill immediately |
la declaración complementaria | | supplementary tax return to correct mistakes or omissions |
los ingresos brutos | | gross income, total income before any deductions or exemptions |
la base imponible | | taxable base, the amount of income subject to tax after certain reductions |
la base liquidable | | taxable amount after specific deductions have been applied |
el periodo impositivo | | tax period, the fiscal year for which the tax is being reported |
las inversiones | | investments, relevant for capital gains and potentially for special deductions |
las reducciones | | reductions, which lower the taxable base, such as contributions to pension plans |
las exenciones | | exemptions, certain types of income that are not subject to tax |
la compensación de bases imponibles negativas | | offset of negative tax bases from previous years |
las inversiones con beneficios fiscales | | investments that offer tax benefits, like pension plans |
el régimen de estimación objetiva | | a simplified tax system for small businesses and professionals, based on objective criteria rather than actual income |
el régimen de estimación directa | | taxation based directly on the taxpayer’s actual income and expenses |
la deducción por alquiler de vivienda habitual | | deduction for rental of habitual residence, applicable to certain taxpayers |
la deducción por inversión en vivienda habitual | | deduction for investment in habitual residence, related to purchasing or refurbishing a primary home |
las deducciones por donativos | | deductions for charitable donations |
el régimen especial | | special regime, applicable to certain taxpayers under specific conditions, like the Beckham Law for non-residents working in Spain |
el impuesto sobre el patrimonio | | wealth tax, related but separate from income tax, for individuals with large asset holdings |
la compensación de pérdidas | | compensation for losses, applicable in the context of capital gains and losses |
las ganancias no justificadas | | unjustified gains, referring to income for which there is no clear source, often subject to higher tax rates |
los rendimientos de actividades económicas | | income from economic activities, related to self-employment or business income |
el Impuesto sobre la Renta de no Residentes (IRNR) | | Income Tax for Non-Residents, relevant for those who earn income in Spain but reside elsewhere |
la fecha de devengo | | accrual date, the date on which the tax liability arises |
el IVA | | VAT (value added tax) |