estar como una cabra | | to be as mad as a hatter |
ser la oveja negra | | to be the black sheep |
ser mono | | to be cute |
ponerse gallito | | to get cocky |
ser más pesado/a que una vaca en brazos | | to be a pain in the neck |
tener pájaros en la cabeza | | to have bats in the belfry/be away with the fairies |
por si las moscas | | just in case |
llevarse como el perro y el gato | | to fight like cat and dog |
ser cuatro gatos | | to not be numerous, hardly anyone present |
¿Qué mosca te ha picado? | | what's wrong with you? |
estar todo el pescado vendido | | it's over/finished/decided |
comportarse como un cerdo | | to behave like a pig |
caerle la del pulpo | | to get clobbered |
no ver tres en un burro | | to be as blind as a bat |
pagar el pato | | to take the rap/blame |
tener memoria de elefante | | to have the memory of an elephant |
sentir mariposas en el estómago | | To feel butterflies in the stomach |
a otra cosa mariposa | | it's time to move on |
moverse como pez en el agua | | like a fish in water - to be at ease/ comfortable |
ir a paso de tortuga | | to go at a snail's pace |
a caballo regalado no le mires el diente | | don't look a gift horse in the mouth |
estar hecho un toro | | to be as strong as an ox |
lágrimas de cocodrilo | | crocodile tears |
los tortolitos | | lovebirds |
no ser moco de pavo | | be no mean feat |