Regular -iar Spanish verbs in the present
A list of common regular -iar verbs in the present tense in Spanish
| | |
abreviar | | to shorten |
acariciar | | to stroke/pet |
agobiarse | | to become overwhelmed/oppressed |
anunciar | | to announce |
apreciar | | to appreciate |
asfixiar | | to suffocate |
beneficiar | | to benefit |
cambiar | | to change |
contagiar | | to infect |
copiar | | to copy |
descambiar | | to return (an item) |
diferenciar | | to differentiate |
elogiar | | to praise/laud/eulogize |
envidiar | | to envy |
estudiar | | to study |
fastidiar | | to annoy |
financiar | | to finance |
odiar | | to hate |
plagiar | | to plagiarise |
repudiar | | to condemn/repudiate |
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