Colloquial word: curro

a person on their way to work

“Curro”, “currar”, “currante”:
A closer look at this everyday Spanish slang

If you’ve spent any time around native Spanish speakers from Spain, there’s a good chance you’ve heard the word curro tossed around in casual conversation. But what does it actually mean, where does it come from, and how common is it across the Spanish-speaking world? Let’s break it down.

What does “curro” mean?

In informal Spanish, especially in Spain, curro simply means “work” or “job.” You’ll hear people say things like:

Tengo mucho curro esta semana.
I’ve got a lot of work this week.

He encontrado curro.
I found a job.

It’s a slangy, everyday word used in place of trabajo, but it carries a more relaxed, street-level vibe. It’s the kind of word you use with friends, coworkers, or in casual settings — not something you’d typically say in a formal job interview or an academic paper.

What about “currar” and “currante”?

From curro, we also get the verb currar, which means “to work.” Again, this is casual language:

Estoy currando hasta tarde.
I’m working late.

And then there’s currante (despite ending in -e we often use the feminine adjective/noun “curranta”), which refers to someone who works, basically, a worker. It’s often used to describe someone who works hard or puts in a lot of effort:

Es un currante de verdad.
He’s a real hard worker.

Like curro and currar, currante has a down-to-earth, everyday tone. It can be affectionate or respectful, especially when talking about someone who really puts in the effort.

Where do these words come from?

The exact origin of curro isn’t 100% confirmed, but most linguists trace it back to the Andalusian region of Spain. One theory connects it to the Roma (Gypsy) community and the Caló language — a mix of Romani and Spanish, where the verb currar meant “to work.” From there, it made its way into broader Spanish slang, especially in southern Spain, and gradually spread across the country.
It’s worth noting that in standard Spanish dictionaries today, currar and curro are fully recognized as colloquial terms.

Is “curro” used in Latin America?

Generally speaking, curro and its related words are much more common in Spain than in Latin America. In most Latin American countries, people are more likely to use “chamba”(especially in Mexico, Central America, Peru, and Venezuela) or just trabajo for “work.” However, thanks to TV, music, and social media, learners and younger people across Latin America may still recognize curro, even if they don’t use it themselves.
So if you’re traveling or living in Spain, curro will definitely come in handy. In Latin America, not so much, though it’s always cool to understand regional slang.

How informal is it?

These words are informal, but not offensive or rude. Think of them as the Spanish equivalent of “gig,” “to hustle,” or “a hard worker” in English. You wouldn’t use them in a formal email or a meeting with your boss (unless the tone is already relaxed), but among friends, family, or coworkers in a laid-back setting, it’s totally normal.

A quick recap

curro = job or work
currar = to work
currante/curranta = a (hard) worker
All of these are informal, mostly used in Spain, and they give your Spanish a local, conversational feel.

Fun fact

In some regions of Spain, Curro is also a nickname for Francisco, completely unrelated to the slang word for work. Just something to keep in mind if you hear someone say Curro and they’re clearly not talking about a job!

Final tip

If you’re learning Spanish and want to sound more natural in casual conversations, especially with Spaniards, adding words like curro, currar, and currante to your vocabulary can give your speech a native-like edge. Just be mindful of the setting, these words are great for relaxed chats, not formal situations.

Author info

Inma Sánchez

After working in the travel industry for ten years in Seville, Inma moved to the UK to give a little twist to her life. Since then she's been teaching Spanish as a foreign language to adults for over 15 years in different settings, private lessons, secondary schools and online. Inma is a coffee lover and also loves exploring new places with her family in beautiful Warwickshire, where she lives.